Spanked and given enemas

Spanked and given enemas

“You don’t understand! She let out a deep moan, twisting her head back in ecstacy, and her golden hair lay out like a breeze from the sea. She licked and fluttered her tongue. and “Yes” Sam spanked said, her voice almost growling, “I can see that.

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: Spanked and given enemas

I put them in my pocket and decided to just cash them out of the safe tonight and deposit the money orders tomorrow. Like I was used to when Sophie was my girlfriend, I obey. The last image shown was the one with the V-signs and smiles. “Time for us to be heading home and then I guess, thanks for a very informative weekend.” They both spanked lingered, neither sure what their next move was meant to be.

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Video Format: video/mp4

Time: 27:00

Porn Tube Video Score: 11

Porn Tags: and, spanked, enemas